Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Audacity Final Project - Movie Script Redo

The students have reached the end of their Audacity Unit.  They have learned how to engineer sound, manipulate vocal effects, add sound effects, and record their own audio.  Today they will begin their final project where they will put all of these tasks together.  The students are going to redo a movie scene using audio effects only.  Since the scope of this project consists of numerous characters the students will have the option to work with a partner on this project.  Two people will be the maximum allowed for this project.  Both students will have to record the different voices.  Turning in one project together.  If they choose to work independently they will be responsible for recording all of the voices on their own.  When the students finish with the project they will have the opportunity to finish any of their unfinished work from the Audacity Series of projects.  This project is scheduled to be due on Tuesday, December 8th.

The students will have to include the recorded voices, background noises, sound effects, etc.  They will need to use freesound.org for their sound effects and background music.

freesound.org log in:
username: SalkComputerApps2
password:  student1

Below is the original Movie Scene they will be rerecording in Audacity

The students will be graded as follows on this project:

Movie Scene Completed and Redone ...........................................................15 points
Ambient and Background sound/music included..............................................5 points
Sound Effects in appropriate places ...............................................................5 points
Recorded Audio and different characters identifiable.......................................10 points
Professionalism ..............................................................................................5 points

Total Points for Project ................................................................................ 40 points

The script for the movie scene is below.  Have Fun!


                                                Wreck It Ralph BadAnon Scene Script

Ralph sits in a room full of VIDEO GAME BAD GUYS. A sign on the wall reads: “BadAnon: One Game at a Time.”

 CLYDE Nice share, Ralph. As fellow Bad Guys, we’ve all felt what you’re feeling, and we’ve come to terms with it.

RALPH Really?

ZANGIEF (thick Russian accent) Right here. I am Zangief. I am Bad Guy.


RALPH Hi Zangief.

ZANGIEF I relate to you, Ralph. When I hit bottom, I was crushing man’s skull (MORE) like sparrow egg between my thighs. (smacking his thigh) And I am wondering, why do you have to be so bad, Zangief? Why can’t more like good guy? Then I have moment of clarity: If Zangief is good guy, who will crush man’s skull like sparrow egg between thighs? And I say, “Zangief, you are bad guy. But this does not mean you are bad guy.”

Claps of understanding.

 RALPH Right. I’m sorry, you lost me there.

ZOMBIE (thick Zombie accent) Arrhh. Zombie. Bad Guy.


RALPH Hi Zombie.

ZOMBIE Zangief saying: labels not make you happy -- good, bad... (Frankenstein growl) You must love you.

CY-BORG Yeah! Inside HERE! Cy-borg rips out Zombie’s heart, shows it to Ralph.

RALPH Okay. I gotcha. Watch out; it’s dripping.

CLYDE Question Ralph: we’ve been asking you to BadAnon for years now, and tonight you finally show up. Why is that?

RALPH I don’t know, I just felt like coming.... I suppose it has something to do with the fact that, well, today is 30th Anniversary of my game.

SATAN Happy Anniversary, Ralph.

RALPH Thanks, Satan.

SATAN It’s sai-tine, actually.

RALPH Got it. But here’s the thing... (exhales, then) I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore. GASPS. Bowser spits out his coffee and thus fire.

CY-BORG You can’t mess with the program, Ralph.

M. BISON (miming “crazy”) You’re not going Turbo, are you?

RALPH Turbo? No, I’m not going Turbo. Come on guys. Is it Turbo to want a friend, or a medal, or a piece of pie every once in a while? Is it turbo to want more out of life?

ZOMBIE Yeeeeesssss.

CLYDE Ralph, Ralph, we get it. But we can’t change who we are, and the sooner you accept that the better off your game and your life will be.

ZANGIEF Hey, one game at a time, Ralph.

CLYDE Now let’s close out with the Bad Guy Affirmation. They all get up, hold hands.

ALL BAD GUYS I’m bad. And that’s good. I will never be good. And that’s not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be than me.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Audacity Children's Story

The students will be creating a new version of an existing Children's story in Audacity.  They will be finding a children's story being read on youtube.com.  They will convert that to a sound file and upload it into Audacity.  The students will be adding additional sound effects from Freesound.org and using Vocal Sound Effects to change the way the story is told.

 They will be graded as follows:

Audio Clip transferred from youtube ........................................................  4 points

At least 7 sound effects added to the story ................................................  7 points

At least 3 Vocal Effects used in the reading ..............................................  3 points

Professional Quality of End Product .......................................................... 6 points


Total Points                                                                                                  20 points


Monday, November 9, 2015

Continuing the Quest with Audacity

This week the students will be entering their second to last week of Audacity.  The students have learned how to make a soundscape, create a unique song, and some basic manipulation techniques.  This week they will be learning how to manipulate vocal effects inside of audacity.  The students will learn some vocal manipulation techniques at the beginning of the week and finish the week by adding effects to a pre-read audio recording of a children's book.  The assignment will be posted on Thursday morning.  However, the students will be learning the techniques on Monday and Tuesday by exploring the following tutorials.

How to make a Demonic Voice

Chipmunk Voice/Pitch Manipulation

Adding Voice Effects in Audacity

Once you have finished the videos, take some time to explore the many different effects in Audacity.  Specifically, figuring out what each effect does and what you think you could do with it.  Make a Word Document of each effect and not what it is called, what it does, and how you think it could be used.  This list will be due via email by the end of the period on Tuesday.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Audacity Music Engineering Week

This week the students will be working on creating a MASH UP from a series of Music Choices.  They will be able to use any of the clips saved into the K-Drive, Robinson Productions, MASH UP Folder.

The students must use at least 3 of the selections from the folder and create a unique song with it. They may bring samples of music from home and remove the lyrics from it.  They will then insert these lyrics over the music they have created! They will need the following tutorials to successfully complete this Challenge!

Making MASH UPS Part 1

Making MASHUPS part 2

How to remove Vocals

 How to engineer a Song

Another Vocal Isolation Tutorial

Manual Instructions for Vocal Isolation from Audacity Help Desk..

Using Audacity for vocal isolation

An Audacity user (Marco Diego) posted this technique on the Audacity Forum for using Audacity to attempt to isolate vocals; it will not work successfully in all cases.
It is sometimes possible to isolate vocals by using Audacity's Noise Reduction to capture the noise profile of a song that has had vocals removed, then run Noise Reduction with that profile on the original mix before vocals were removed.
  1. Make a copy of your original stereo track
    1. Select the whole track (click in empty space in its Track Control Panel for example where it says "Hz")
    2. Copy the track with Edit > Copy
    3. Create a new stereo track with Tracks > Add New > Stereo Track
    4. Use Edit > Paste to make a copy of the original track in the new stereo track
  2. Select the whole of the copied track (click in empty space in its Track Control Panel)
  3. Remove the vocals in the copy by using Effect > Vocal Remover (for center-panned vocals)...
  4. On a copy of the track remove the vocals as in Case 1 above using Audacity's Vocal Remover
  5. The copied track should remain selected, so use Effect > Noise Reduction... and click on the Get Noise Profile button
  6. Now select the original track (click in the space its Track Control Panel)
  7. Use Effect > Noise Reduction... and click on the OK button
  8. Delete the copied track (click in the [X] at the top left of its Track Control Panel)
The following may let you remove drums which are not centered but keep the vocals:
  • Use the steps above to create a track with vocal isolation.
  • Then import the original song into Audacity again and try this Nyquist plug-in elliptice.ny to move the bass frequencies to center.
  • Then remove the drums from the center by inversion.
  • Finally mix the vocals back in.


The students will be graded as follows for this project.

Music Engineering of at least 3 clips ....................................................... 8 points

Audio Clip of Choosing with Lyrics Removed ....................................... 8 points

Professional Quality of Final Product ..................................................... 4 points


Total Points Possible                                                                               20 points